Friday, January 2, 2009

Reader Resonse Journal #9


By Stephenie Meyer

This is one of the interesting books I like. Bella, the main character in this book, is a very courageous character. She sure has what a very interesting story that most of girls would like to have. The version in this book about vampires really surprises me because I also watch movie or read book about vampires who sleep in coffin and could not go out side in daytime like Buffin and the Vampires. This is a version about story vampires that I could not even imagine to read that one day.

Bella wanted to be a vampire. I am really respect that, however I do not think it is a good idea because she really doesn't know how it is to be a vampire. And what about her family, she could leave them alone just because she wants to be a vampire. Is she really think that what is good for her or is it because Edward, the boy she likes is one?

The bizarre thing is that after being chasing by vampires, she still wants to be one and moreover being the girlfriend of a vampire.

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