Monday, February 9, 2009

Reader Response Journal #16

The Greatest Muhammad Ali
By Walter Dean Myers

Muhammad Ali is a very perseverance person. Known as Cassius Clay in the 1900's, Ali has been a great boxer of all the time. He has been a strong and courage person. in time a segregation, he was known by all race even over the sea. I think that Ali is a model for young people because he has shown that you could be someone no matter your background. The time in that period was difficult I know, however, when I read this book I feel like he didn't care at all about what people say about him. What kept him up is the belief he has. I would like to be like him. Doing good stuff without care about other might say.

He was actually banned from boxing during the prime because he refused to fight in Vietnam. I didn't believe that when I first read that. So I google it and is confirmed that fact. I think he is a decent person because he refused to fight for people who were not trying to have harmony in another than fight each other. He is very similar to Martin Luther King Jr. because as him want violence.

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