Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Color Purple Resder Response Journal #4

I have intuition that "The Color Purple" is a book that is connected to thousand of black people living in Georgia to 1910 through 1940. This period was a period that black people didn't have not right and were sometimes ashamed of where they were and what white folks were doing to them. They had lived in a despair life of maltreats of people that thought they were qualified to be the higher race over all the races. This period was a difficult time for the African-American, however, those people had pride to vanquish all the abstruseness put on their way.

Sometimes I think that the author, The Color Purple, had been so hash to men when she wrote this book. However, I could understand what she felt when she was writing this book. Because time has changed back then and back then most of women, black or white, had suffered the matrimonial abuses and ferocity of men. Most of women didn't have the gift to stand up for themselves as Celie. And the consequences have been several to women that they began the puppet.

Celie is a brave girl. I hope she would keep this up. However, she has to stand up for herself. Fight for her rights not only as woman, but also as human being. Her father and her husband don't any right, any responsibility to treat women that way. I would like to read the day she would give some hot coffee to drink.

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